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Suggested Articles and Chapters

We have found these articles to be especially informative. They are not listed in any particular order. We'll add more titles periodically. Click on a title to link to the reading.

Newkirk, T. (2024). "The Misrepresentation of Marie Clay in 'Sold a Story'." This excerpt from Newkirk's essay presents the heart of his assertion about the well-respected reading researcher and practitioner.

Bailey, N. (2024). "Reports Show How Phonics Crowds Out Quality Reading, Like Picture Books." A discussion of several reports that raise concerns about emphasizing phonics over the enjoyment of reading.

David Pearson's January 2024 Facebook post on the Science of Reading.  Fine commentary noting that professional debate on reading should not be seen as a "zero-sum game in which the only way one position wins is if another loses." As David says, "We gotta do it all!"

Compton-Lilly, C., Spence, L.K., Thomas, P.L. & Decker, S.L. (2023). "Stories Grounded in Decades of Research: What We Truly Know About the Teaching of Reading." A welcome review of established knowledge with full recognition of how reading is "complex, multidimensional, and mediated by social and cultural practices."

Rich, D.S. (2024). "Reading Recovery IS the Science(s) of Reading and the Art of Teaching."  A description of the principles and practices of Reading Recovery that has made its practitioners so successful in helping children learn to read.

Bailey, N. (2024). "Where's the 'Evidence' in State-Mandated Science of Reading Programs?" Good questions about the quality and effectiveness of mandated instructional programs.

Reinking, D., Hruby, G.G., & Risko, V.J. (2023). "Legislating Phonics: Settled Science or Political Polemics?"  A detailed critique of the ways the phonics-first perspective has influenced beliefs, classroom practices, and legislation.

Valencia, S. W. & Buly, M. R. (2004). "Behind Test Scores: What Struggling Readers Really Need."  Not all struggling readers need the same kind of help. This research shows why.

Pearson, P.D. (2022). "Marie Clay: A Personal Reflection on an Unparalleled Professional Career."  An effective reply to Emily Hanford's criticisms of Marie Clay's contributions to reading.

Scanlon, D.M. & Anderson, K.L. (2020). "Using Context as an Assist in Word Solving: The Contributions of 25 Years of Research on the Interactive Strategies Approach." An informative summary of research into the use of context, and other strategies, along with phonics. As the authors say, this should not be an either-or matter.

Strauss, S.L. & Altwerger, B. (2007). "The Logographic Nature of English Alphabetics and the Fallacy of Direct Intensive Phonics Instruction." A thorough discussion of phonics in the context of the characteristics of the English language.

Pearson, P.D.; Madda, C.I, & Raphael, T.E. (2023). "Current Issues and Best Practices in Literacy Instruction." A timely review of where we are; wise advice about the need for a comprehensive and balanced view as we look to the future.

Krashen, S. (2019). "Beginning Reading: The (Huge) Role of Stories and the (Limited) Role of Phonics." An informative discussion of the relative value to beginning readers of listening to stories vs. receiving explicit phonics instruction. The explanations and research citations are highly useful.

MacPhee, D., Handsfield, L.J. & Paugh, P. (2021). "Conflict or Conversation? Media Portrayals of the Science of Reading." Media framing that foments conflict mitigates against the thoughtful conversations about literacy learning and teaching that we need to have in order to make real progress in helping children become fully literate.

Heller, R. (2022). "Taking Stock of the Science of Reading: A Conversation with Amanda Goodwin." Level-headed commentary on the Science of Reading from an editor of Reading Research Quarterly.

Garan, E. (2001). "Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: A Critique of the National Reading Panel Report on Phonics." Phi Delta Kappan 82(7).  A must-read analysis of the research methodology and conclusions of the NRP that led to the influential report.

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